Friday, April 29, 2011

Modern Physics

This is a great video about how little we really know and understand about modern physics.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Tiny Christian Universe

This is something that has never crossed my mind before. As fundamentalist Christians believe the universe/Earth is somewhere between 10,000-6,000 years old. Now if this were true the universe would only be 20,000-12,000 light years across. Pretty interesting article below.

Religion is going extinct!

A new study shows that religion is on the decline in NINE western democracies! Although it does not predict anything about America, this still gives me some hope for America.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Right now, it is raining methane on Titan. The planet Uranus, apparently trying to live up to its name, is orbiting the sun sideways, while Venus spins backwards. There are stars exploding, black holes gorging, galaxies colliding.

And here we sit, on a planet pock-marked by collisions, rocked by earthquakes, shaken b...y storms. A planet doomed to be fried in radiation as its magnetic fields collapse, until finally the sun grows into a red giant and leaves nothing of the Earth but dust.

Here we sit, glasses on our noses, inhalers in our pockets, braces on our teeth, waiting to die as our heart muscle expires, our cells decide to grow forever, or a blood vessel just pops, and sometimes in unnatural ways, too.

Here we sit, and some of us say, behold, look at the order of it all.

Claustianity (work in progress)

Three hundred years ago, Claus threw the Great Present down the Big Chimney and started the universe and earth. From smaller presents all organisms were created. This all took place in one day, called December 25th or Christmas.
When we die, if we have been nice we go to Present Land located in the invisible workshop at the North Pole where we receive any presents we want. If we have been naughty then we are sent to Unpresent Land (in Centralia, Pennsylvania) where we are made to mine coal for all of eternity.
When we are born we are Holidized (have eggnog poured over our heads) to get rid of any naughtiness we might have. We are allowed to do this any time we want as we get older but after being Holidized the first time we can then just drink the blessed 'nog.
We have elves that help us with specific problems. My favorite is the patron elf of what to get someone for Christmas, he's very popular.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Pain gives life to the world.
Pain makes you stronger.
Pain is giving it everything you have,
And watching the clock run out and your team lose.
Pain is running until your muscles feel like they are being ripped apart,
And knowing that it is the only way you can ever get better.
Pain is losing your uncle, your grandmother, your grandfather, and your dog all in one summer,
And as that summer ends your house flooding and you losing everything you own.
Pain is watching as the girl you have been in love with your entire life fall in love with a jerk.
A jerk that will cheat on her,
Use her for his own sick needs,
Make her feel like she is worthless,
And then throw her out of his life like she was a common whore.
Pain is being six years old and hoping your father will not get drunk again and beat you,
The way he has so many other nights.
Pain is someone shoving a red-hot iron into your flesh,
Burning and tourturing you and then spitting in your face as you cower in fear.
Pain will hunt you no matter where you go.
Pain will swim to the deepest abyss in the ocean to find you.
Pain will climb to the highest mountains just to make you hurt.
Pain will always be closing in on you,
Whispering in your ear:
"I am coming for you and there is nothing you can do to stop me."
But without pain we could never truly appreciate life,
Without pain we could never truly appreciate how beautiful the world really is.


i know i will never be with her...
but i will always wish we could be together.
i am losing my grasp on reality...
slipping out of consciousness and into another dimension of pain.
it all started such a short time ago...
the first time i ever felt emotional pain.
i have moved on since then....
but i have closed myself off to anything coming close to it again.
i am not sure if i am truly sane anymore...
the music being the only thing keeping me from breaking.
i see things that arent really there...
wishing and hoping they were real.
visions of other's happiness...
knowing i wont allow myself to truly feel anymore.
i have become numb....
so numb that i just dont care about anymore.
thoughts of death seem pleasing...
but i know that is unfair to everyone around me.
call me what you will, go right ahead...
i wont care because most of you will ever see me again.
i will be gone from your lives forever...
never to return from the abyss of new realities

The Crumbling Castle

The Sadness sweeps over like it has so many times before
conflicting personalities
my mind is arguing with itself
this is not a good thing though
I dont know how long i can keep winning the battle
its been going since youth
i always resisted
but it looks so sweet
it looks like the only solution to my problem
treating it would make me worse
im the worst ive been in two years
the steel shines so sweet
they lie around me calling to me to become crimson
lifes a disaster
im broken in almost every way
the thoughts wont let me think clear
the sound evil
my voice drown in their urging and screaming
they want it all to be over
but i believe im strong
ive always been strong
always wanted to be strong
im not making sense to me
so confused
keep shaking
the souls water drains through the seeing glass
and i cant stop it
hes so sad
he cant be helped
but he wants to win
but hes outnumbered
they are atacking from everywhere
just keeps shaking trying to win
if he can keep his stronghold
maybe there kill be hope
the walls are brittle though
they are cracking and crumbling
he hopes he wont give up
if he could just hold out
one day there might be backup
but hes called so many times
cant see the light
its all fading so dim
he just wants to win
pity is the worst for him
why wont they stop attacking....

pictures 2


Zombie Rules (work in progress)

1.    Always shoot a Zombie in the HEAD!
Do not leave a zombie unless its brain is destroyed.
a)    Do not light Zombies on fire. That just makes them a flaming Zombie that can light you on fire. They will not die quick enough to stop being a threat before they light you or the surrounding environment on fire.
b)    Do not waste ammunition. Take only shots that will destroy the Zombie’s brain. Ammunition will eventually run out and any shot other than the head is wasting that finite ammunition.
2.    Cardio!
Make sure you can run quickly for long distances with your survival gear or at least with your weapon.
a)    Also make sure that you can run up at least several stairs quickly without becoming exhausted.
b)    There is little need to be strong and do weight training if a Zombie attack were to happen. All that extra muscle is just going to slow you down and make a larger target for a Zombie to notice.
c)     It is beneficial to regularly do body weight exercises such as push up and pull ups. This is due to the possibility of having to climb over obstacles when escaping from Zombies.
3.    Always Check the Place You are Staying at or Vehicle You are Driving for Zombies.
Remember, Zombies can hide almost anywhere so check everywhere.
a)    Lock any and all doors to the place or vehicle you are in. The last thing you need is a Zombie munching on you while you sleep.
4.    Be Prepared!
You don’t want to have to try to gather survival materials and tools when Zombies are already at your front door.
a)    Things to keep in your Zombie Survival Kit(minimum):
Water Purification Pills,
MREs (meals ready to eat) and/or other long lasting dried food, Advanced First Aid Kit, 
Canteen and/or Camel Pack,
Magnesium-Flintstone or other long lasting reusable fire starting device,
Survival Flashlight (weak but long lasting),
LED Flashlight with batteries (strong but short life),
Small Pot or Pan,
Poncho or Small Tent,
Compass and Maps,
Snare traps,
Hooks and fishing line,
Nylon rope/Paracord
b)    Equipment to have with your Zombie Survival Kit:
Survival Knife,
c)     Firearms:
It is smart to carry at least one firearm on your person during a Zombie attack, although one of each type is preferred
1)    Pistols- Caliber of pistol doesn’t matter as long as you are accurate from at least 10-25 years. It is recommended that you carry 4-6 loaded magazines and 50-100 rounds of ammo depending on what is comfortable.
2)    Shotguns- Although many are against using shotguns against Zombies because of their spread, they can still be one of the best survival firearms to keep on hand. Shotgun shells fire a few to several dozen pellets that can be accurate and lethal up to 50 yards and the spread can be one of your best friends if you are not very accurate with most firearms. It is recommended to carry 30-50 shells,
3)    Rifles- There are two types of rifles that are recommended for Zombie Attacks, semi auto assault rifles and bolt action rifles. It is highly recommended not to use any fire arm with full auto capability due to the urge to just spray and pray which wastes countless rounds of precious ammo. I recommend assault rifles over bolt action due to them normally being shorter and lighter to carry. Both are very accurate but the bolt action has a considerably slower rate of fire which could be a problem if rushed by multiple Zombies. It is recommended to carry at least 3 magazines and 200-400 rounds of ammo.
4)    Silencers- Although these may be hard to obtain in many areas they can keep you from alerting more Zombies to your presence. One thing to not is that silencers generally don’t work the way they do in movies. They don’t make reduce the gun blast to a pfft, but they do quiet the blast substantially if subsonic ammo is used. They can mean the difference between alerting Zombies within 50 yards to alerting Zombies within 500 yards.
5)    Ammunition- Almost any and all ammunition is capable of destroying a Zombie but some are much more effective. Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) rounds are the standard ammo and have very good penetration but not much stopping power. Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP) rounds are the standard of self-defense ammo and have limited penetration but are high damage and have high stopping power.
d)    Clothing:
1)    Boots- Combat or hunting boots are the best to use due to durability and comfortableness.
2)    Lower body- If possible metal or Kevlar shin and thigh guards. Another great form of protection is Motocross shin and knee guards. If not either of those then the next best option is durable leather chaps or survival pants.
3)    Upper body- Leather jackets are one of the best choices due to their thickness which protects from bites and scrapes and because they are water resistant. Motocross chest and arm protectors are another great choice due to them being light weight and hard.
4)    Head- The only recommended item to wear on the head are sunglasses. It is best to either not wear anything on the head or to wear something that can be easily removed it if a zombie grabs it. Anything that may obscure vision is also not advised.